पर्यावरणका लागि युवा आवाज Youth Dialogue on World Environment Day 2024

Program Details:

Event Name: Youth Dialogue on World Environment Day 2024

Date: June 5, 2024

Venue: Boston International College Hall, Bharatpur


  1. Better Chitwan, Chitwan
  2. Chitwan Sakriya Women’s Foundation, Chitwan
  3. WAY Group Nepal,  Chitwan
  4. Club of Environment Science Saptagandakai (CESS), Chitwan
  5. Community-Based Anti-Poaching Unit CBAPU, Chitwan
  6. Nepal Development Society (NEDS), Chitwan
  7. Sahamati Gaindakot
  8. Bharatpur Metropolitan City Youth Network, Chitwan
  9. Nadi Sangai Hami Campaign, Gaindakot/Chitwan

Participants: Local youth, environmental activists, representatives from environmental organizations, local government officials, and community members.

Key Themes: Climate Change, Biodiversity, Green City Initiatives, Waste Management Practices.



On the occasion of World Environment Day 2024, at Boston International College in Bharatpur, a collaborative effort by Better Chitwan, Chitwan Sakriya Women’s Foundation, Sahamati Gaindakot, Club of Environmental Science Saptagandaki (CESS), WAY Group Nepal, Nepal Development Society (NEDS), Bharatpur Mahanagar Yuva Sanjal, Community Based Anti-Poaching Unit Control (CBAPU), and Nadi Sangai Hami Campaign led to the successful completion of the “Youth Voice for Environment – Youth Dialogue” program. The event aimed to address and discuss local environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity, green city initiatives, and waste management practices. The aim of dialogue was to provide a platform for young individuals to share their ideas, learn from experts, and contribute to sustainable solutions for their community.



  1. Raise Awareness: To increase awareness among youth about local environmental issues and their global significance.
  2. Encourage Participation: To engage youth in active dialogue and decision-making processes regarding environmental policies and practices in Chitwan.
  3. Promote Solution: To brainstorm and propose viable, youth-led solutions to local environmental challenges.
  4. Foster Collaboration: To strengthen partnerships between youth and environmental organizations for ongoing and future initiatives.



Time Activity
01:00 – 01:15 Registration and Welcome Tea
01:15 – 01:25 Inaugural Session: Welcome Speech and Introduction to World Environment Day
01:25 – 02:00 Short Presentation on activities done by different organizations on Environment
02:00 – 03:30 Panel Discussion: Climate Change and Its Impact on Chitwan
03:30 – 04:00 Workshop: Nature Based Solutions (NBS)
04:00 – 04:30 Youth-led advocacy campaigns for environmental conservation
04:30 – 05:00 Review of the program and Summary of Discussion, Future Plans
05:00 – 05:30 Closing Ceremony: Vote of Thanks, Token of Love distribution
01:00 – 05:30 Demonstration, Signature Campaign
5:30 Onwards Networking and Group Photo


The event was chaired by Akriti Subedi, program coordinator of Better Chitwan, with Durga Bahadur Karki, former secretary of the Ministry of Forests and Environment, Lumbini Province, serving as the chief guest. Om Prasad Pandey, Head of the Environment and Disaster Management Division of Bharatpur Metropolitan Municipality, attended as a special guest. The organizers hosted an exhibition on environmental protection and presented the activities of various organizations related to environmental conservation. Participants also took an oath to protect the environment and biodiversity, committing to actions such as reducing waste, conserving resources, protecting wildlife, planting trees, reducing pollution, promoting sustainability, and advocating for environmental awareness.

The panel discussion, led by CESS Chairperson Hardika Raut, featured Dr. Jeevan Chhetri, writer and activist, and Durga Bahadur Karki, who shared their insights on climate change, its impacts globally and in Nepal, political practices regarding climate change in Nepal, the interplay between development and environment in Bharatpur, and future climate action. At the end of the panel discussion, participants had the opportunity to share their thoughts and ask questions on the topics covered. The discussion concluded with a consensus that the government needs to adopt a more serious stance on climate change issues and prioritize environmentally friendly approaches to ensure a sustainable and green future. Additionally, it was emphasized that youths must continue to advocate for a safe and sustainable future for themselves and future generations.

Following the panel discussion, Khemraj Khanal, program coordinator of Sahamati Gaindakot, provided an orientation on nature-based solutions (NBS). He offered insights into the concept of NBS, its significance, and shared relevant examples. Er. Sagar Karki, founding coordinator of Better Chitwan, then presented on youth-led advocacy campaigns for environmental conservation. He recounted his advocacy journey with the ‘Save Narayani Movement,’ introduced the ‘Nadi Sangai Hami Movement,’ and urged all participants to join the cause. The event concluded with Dhruva Acharya, an environmental expert and professor at Saptagandaki Multiple Campus, who reviewed the program and delivered an inspiring speech, encouraging youth to actively participate in environmental protection.

Approximately 100 young participants attended the event, which included message-based awareness posters, a painting exhibition, and the collection of signatures from participants pledging their commitment to environmental protection and effective waste management.


The Youth Dialogue on World Environment Day 2024 concluded successfully, marked by the active participation of young people raising awareness about climate change and environmental conservation. Participants recommended organizing extended workshops for environmental enthusiasts and youths to facilitate broader discussions and deeper understanding of climate change and conservation. Overall, the program was highly effective, and the involvement of the youth proved to be extremely valuable.

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