Chittaun Kacheheri
Mangsir 28th & 29th, 2081
at Narayani Kala Mandir, Bharatpur, Chitwan
10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Chittaun Kachehari (both words from Tharu tongue: Chittaun for Chitwan and Kachehari for debate/discussion) has been established as the platform for expression of and deliberation on the ideas and issues which have been sidelined by the mainstream discourse in Nepal and South Asia.
Keynote Speech
International Panel
Celebrating Local Culture
A Patform to Amplify Unheard Voices
At this critical juncture in human history, a meaningful dialogue on pressing issues of the day is the least we can start as responsible citizens. This is the foundational belief behind Chittaun Kacheheri, the festival of ideas, being organized annually in Chitwan, Nepal.
Guest Panelists and Moderators from South Asia including all provinces of Nepal
Key Sessions including One Keynote Speech
Audiances from all around the globe connected through live coverage
Expected Attendees for two days
Key Events and Sessions
Day 1
This edition of the festival is themed around inclusion, justice and de-radicalization of societies in South Asia through thoughtful dialogues at all levels.
1. Science and Reason in the age of Unreason
2. जलवायु संकट: संवाददेखि सामनासम्म
3. चितवन: बसाईं सराइको गन्तव्यदेखि स्रोतसम्म
4. कविताको शक्ति : कति भाव, कति प्रस्तुति?
5. नाबालिगमाथि यौन हिंसाः कारण, असर र समाधान
6. पहिचानको लडाइँ: संघर्ष र दुविधा
Key Events and Sessions
Day 2
This edition of the festival is themed around inclusion, justice and de-radicalization of societies in South Asia through thoughtful dialogues at all levels.
1. उच्च शिक्षाको दशा र दिशा
2. Healing the Wounds of Division and Hatred in South Asia
3. नयाँ युगको राजनीति: सकिने डर, सच्चिने अवसर
4. बाल कचहरी
5. फोहर व्यवस्थापन: मुद्दा कसै न कसैको, बर्बादी सबैको
6. कसरी भत्काउने जातव्यवस्थाको जग?
7. के सोच्दैछ युवा पुस्ता ?
Saptagandaki's Kacheheri has become a vibrant forum for meaningful dialogue with educators and environmentalists addressing critical environmental issues.
Meet The Team
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise
Sarita Tiwari
Festival Director
Dr. JIwan Kshetri
Assistant Festival Director
Er. Sagar Karki
Festival Coordinator
Sachin Chapagain
Festival Secretary
Co-Organized By
Supported By
Find our Event Venue
Venue: Narayani Kala Mandir
The event is open to all individuals, with entry available on-site. The program runs from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can register directly at the venue.
To watch the sessions from outside Chitwan, you can join via online streaming or follow updates on social media. Check the event's official website for details on virtual participation.
The festival is free to attend on both days. Additionally, you can win exciting prizes by participating and succeeding in the festival's activities.
Latest Media
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise