Good Touch and Bad Touch

Program Title: Student Workshop on Good Touch and Bad Touch
By: Better Chitwan
Duration: 60 Minutes
Resource Materials: Projector, Videos, Pen & Paper, Marker, Double Tape 
Approach: Presentation, Team Work, Game, Interaction, Demonstration

Good Touch and Bad Touch

Dear little friends, you should know about all types of touches very well. Do you know some touches are „GOOD Touch‟ and some touches are „BAD Touch‟?

We must be safe from BAD Touch. They are not good for us as they can cause serious issues both mentally and physically. But how do we differentiate between good and bad touch?

Today we will learn about good and bad touch in short. First let‟s learn aabout our important body part.

Now, can you name some of our private body parts?

All the parts with red color are our private body parts. And don’t forget that it’s your body; nobody can touch your body without your permission, including your parents. DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO OUCH YOUR PRIVATE BODY PARTS.


Good touches are always good. But Bad touches are unsafe, not okay. Here are some examples of good touch and bad touch.

Good Touch– A good touch makes you feel warm, comfortable, and safe inside. Good touches give us good feelings inside like-Excited, Happy, Joyful, and Surprised.

Bad Touch– A bad touch does not feel good. It may make you feel uneasy. Bad touches give us bad feelings like-Sad, Afraid, Ashamed, and Embarrassed.

Touching safety rules: 

  1. It is not okay to touch someone else’s private body parts.
  2. It is not okay for someone to touch his or her own private body parts in front of you.
  3. It is not okay for someone to ask you to touch his or her private body parts.
  4. It is not okay for someone to ask you to take your clothes off except if they are a doctor helping to see if you are hurt or sick.
  5. It is not okay for someone to take photos or videos of you with your clothes off.
  6. It is not okay for someone to show you photos or videos of people without their clothes on.
  7. You can decide who can touch you, who can kiss you, or who can give you a hug.
  8. You have the right to say, “NO”.
  9. Things to do in case someone touches you in the wrong way?

Teach your children’s about the following very well. They should know what to do in such situation.

  1. Say no! Tell the person that you don’t like it and you don’t want to be
  2. Get away fast! Run away from the person whose touch you don’t like. Never stay alone with that person ever again.
  3. Call for help. You can
  4. Believe in yourself. You did nothing
  5. If someone touches you in the wrong way, tell someone you trust what has happened. Don’t let threats scare you into running away or keeping quiet. When a person touches you and asks you to keep it a secret between the two of you, ask yourself, “Does the secret bother me?”
  6. Don’t keep secrets that make you feel Go to a person you trust-a parent, a relative, a teacher, or your doctor. If the people you go to don’t believe you go to someone else you trust until someone believes you and helps you.
  7. Do everything you can to stay away from the person who is touching you in the wrong way or making you feel uncomfortable. Don’t stay alone with a person who touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or makes you feel


Dear Parents and Teachers, it is our duty to tell our kids about the types of touches, their body parts, how to tackle the situation in case of emergency, not to keep any kind of secret with them. And most important thing, believe your kids and make them so comfortable, that they can share things with you very easily without any fear or hesitation.

Children’s are our responsibility, love them, nurture them, and help them to stand for their right. They are our future.

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