Youth Forum on Municipal Waste Management

The growing problem of municipal waste has become a pressing issue that affects communities all over the world. With an increasing population and a rise in consumption, it is crucial to raise awareness and encourage action among young people in addressing this problem. This youth forum aims to engage young people in discussions and activities related to municipal waste management and to encourage them to take an active role in creating sustainable solutions.


  1. To raise awareness among young people about the impacts of municipal waste on the environment and public health.
  2. To provide young people with an opportunity to learn about best practices in waste management and to exchange ideas and experiences with their peers.
  3. To encourage young people to take an active role in developing and implementing sustainable solutions for municipal waste management in their communities.

Target Audience: The youth forum is aimed at young people aged 15-35 years who are interested in environmental issues and waste management. We aim to bring together students, activists, and young professionals from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences.

Registration Fee: Nrs. 100/– only.  Payment Method: Online (eSewa: 9845940374; Please don’t forget to mention your name in Remarks) or Cash (On Event Day). Note: Only selected participants are required to make the payment for registration.

Venue: Valley State College, HakimChowk (On the Way to Bidhut Office)

Time: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

For participation, please fill the registration form:

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